Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Highland Cattle Festival

Hello Again!
            I will apologize in advance for the delayed update.  Things have been a little crazy in the past few weeks!  Anyways…on Saturday, October 2nd, 2010 I attended a Highland Cattle Festival.  Basically it was a cattle show with a few other demonstrations and exhibitors present.  The show took place at Pollock Country Park, which is a few miles south of where I live in Anniesland.

            While waiting for the first train to arrive, we met another vet student (a second year), her boyfriend, and their new Weimaraner puppy.  It’s absolutely amazing how dog friendly this country is! Dogs are allowed in shops, on the train, on the buses, and into events like the cattle show.  With the help of our new friends, we managed to find Pollock County Park.  The park was absolutely huge and it took us about 20 minutes to walk to the other side of the park where the festival was being held.

On our way to the festival!  This a view of just a very small part of the park.

            At the festival, the first thing we saw was the main exhibition.  Exhibitors present their cow or bull (depending on the class) to a judge in a large arena so that conformation can be assessed.  There was also a very entertaining MC that talked with the exhibitors and people in the crowd (and he was even wearing a kilt)!  We then decided to grab a bite to eat at one of the festival stands.  My friend Kendall got this huge hot dog, which was not all beef (haha!), and had the most ridiculous time eating it! It was pretty comical! After lunch we listened to the pipe band and visited the other demonstrations.  There was a children’s puppet show, a birds of prey exhibit, and a border collie who herded ducks through obstacles!  We all had a lot of fun and it was a great day to spend a Saturday!

Sara, Kendall, and I at the festival.

One of the heifer classes.
Kendall and her very large and messy hot dog! 
One of the birds of prey exhibited.
Dog agility course.  This is also where the duck herding performance was done.

Clydesdale exhibit!

Big bull!

Black Highland Cattle Bull with curly hair!
More Highland Cows.  These females are kept in a large pasture in Pollock County Park.

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